Sample Eulogies

Below are some samples of eulogies written for our clients. The names of individuals have been anonymized and locations redacted to protect our clients’ privacy. The photos below do not necessarily represent the actual individuals. Some are merely of other individuals of a similar demographic. We never share personal details or photos of the departed without explicit permission from our clients.

Eulogy For John

(Custom-length eulogy for a friend and colleague)

Thank you all for being here. It means so much to us, and I know it means a lot to John, too. John’s death has created a hole in my life that I’ll never be able to truly fill again. To say that he was a devoted husband, loving father, and hardworking member of our community, would a very minimized description of the impact he had on all of us, especially on me. Although he may no longer be with us, I’ll always carry his example and loving attitude in my heart. I know that for any of us who knew him well, it’s going to be impossible to forget his constant warmth and kindness.

John was born in 1976 here in [town redacted for privacy], just 20 miles south of where we are now. From his earliest years, his life was filled with joy and love. Even though he lost his mother when he was just 5 years old, he was surrounded by a family who loved him dearly. He also had a close relationship with his daddy, who he remained utterly close with throughout his life. He told [his father] Hank “you know you’re my best friend in this whole wide world, don’t you?” I never saw a father and son who were as trusting of each other as they were. As John grew up, Hank instilled in him the values of hard work, dedication, and compassion.

John was a man of profound faith. He was a dedicated Christian, and as many of you know, a very active pillar of our local church here. I cannot overemphasize how much his faith was an essential part of his life. Aside from Hank, his relationship with Jesus was what got him through his mother’s death in his childhood. He once told me a story from his early childhood, about how on a dark and rainy night, he laid sobbing in bed, wishing his mother was there to kiss him goodnight. His sobs increased until he felt utterly defeated and alone.

As he laid in bed sniffling and whimpering, John remembered a scripture his mother had once read to him before bedtime. His dad later told him that this happened to be her favorite verse in the Bible. The verse was from John 16:22: “Ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.” The only part John remembered was “I will see you again.” This simple scripture filled John’s little heart with peace. He started crying again, and then it was as if he heard a voice saying, “John, she is with me, and when I come again, she will be with me.” John somehow knew this was the voice of Jesus speaking to him about Lily [his mother]. From that day forward, he lived for Jesus and strove to be worthy to see his mother with Jesus when He comes again. Strange as it may be, now it’s me who’s finding comfort in this verse.

He lived his life according to the values he learned from the Bible and in the church. Everyone knew he had an impeccable integrity. His major fault was preaching too much. People used to call him “Preacher John” whenever they saw him in the store or at work. They even teased him in high school by calling him “Jesus Johnny.” Even when people told him to drop it and leave them alone, he always persisted in at least “silently” preaching by leaving Bibles in the desks at school with bookmarks of his favorite passages, pasting little sticky notes on the fridge at work with Bible verses on them, or just wearing shirts that said something about Jesus on them. I actually think John enjoyed hearing people call him “preacher,” even though he was not really one. He just loved sharing the Good News with others, and tried to help others live so that they too could know Jesus. He was never overbearing or rude, but very passionate and eager to share the gospel.

As so many of you witnessed firsthand, he shared his love and kindness with everyone around him. He volunteered at the local food bank and organized charity drives for the less fortunate and homeless in our community. John firmly believed in the power of giving back, and made it a point to make a positive impact wherever he could. He told me that preaching words without setting an example was useless and hypocritical.

Everyone who knew John always called him a family man. His love for his family was evident in everything he did. He adored his wife Natalie, who was one year older than him, and he cherished their two children Nathaniel and Henry. Nathaniel has always excelled in school, and John was so proud of him. Although Henry struggled in school, John never lost faith in him and continued to support him in every way possible. He spent countless hours helping his boys with their homework, taking them to football practice, and attending all their games. I know some of the guys at work used to tease him about never getting out and having any fun, and he used to respond to them by saying, “Fellas, what good is all the fun in life if I don’t enjoy it with my family?”

John worked as an electrician, spending long hours on the job, often repairing transformers and ensuring that our community had the power it needed. Despite the demands of his job, he always found time for his family and loved playing football with his boys, or taking them to the pond next to our workplace and feeding the fish. He also took peculiar pleasure in taking care of his home, which was always in immaculate condition. He made sure to mow the yard every week, and his attention to detail showed in the way he kept everything neat and organized.

John also had a wonderful love for animals, especially dogs. He loved spending time with his furry friends, and seemed to have had a special way of connecting with them. His kind and gentle nature was evident in the way he treated all creatures, great and small. I even remember him befriending a lost cat outside our workplace one day and taking it to nearby neighbor who had many cats and loved to have more. She was very happy that someone like him was around to make sure these critters found a home instead of just wandering around hungry and alone. In recent years, John’s love for animals extended beyond his personal life as well, as he often volunteered at local animal shelters and even donated to animal rescue organizations.

Despite all of his wonderful qualities, as with all of us, he also faced serious challenges in his life, including an intense battle with alcohol addiction when he was a young man. He had a friend who invited him to an after-school party which turned out to be a very ill-advised get-together. This became a monumental challenge for several years of his early adult life that he was afraid he would never get past. However, his dad’s perseverance and persistence with young Johnny helped him finally come to terms with the fact that he needed help, and reminded him of what he was really made of. Through great effort, he eventually overcame this challenge, and it made him a stronger person. He was an inspiration to others who were struggling, and he was always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. He attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and mentored others who were trying to overcome addiction. John was a beacon of hope for those who felt lost or alone.

As many of you know, John’s exemplary life was tragically cut short in a car accident, and it’s going to be very difficult to imagine our community without him. But we can take comfort in the memories we shared with him and the impact he made in each of our lives. His legacy lives on through his loving family, his work, and the kindness he shared with everyone he met.

John’s family would like to express their gratitude to the community for their outpouring of love and support during this difficult time. They would like to thank the first responders who were on the scene of the accident and worked tirelessly to try and save John’s life. They would also like to thank the medical staff at the hospital who provided exceptional care for John during his final days. Their kindness and dedication made this nightmare more bearable, and they showed great compassion to John and his family. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made in John’s memory to the American Cancer Society, as cancer research was another cause that was very important to him.

John’s impact on his family and this community are immeasurable, and his legacy and example will continue to inspire us all. He lived his life with kindness, compassion, and a deep commitment to his faith, and he left a lasting impression on everyone he met.

In closing, I would like to share a quote from John’s favorite book, the Bible. In the Gospel of John, it says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John’s life was a testament to this kind of love, and we are all blessed to have known him. Rest in peace, John, and know that you will be deeply missed.

Eulogy For Debby

(Average-length eulogy for a sister)

It’s surreal to find myself here, at my sister’s funeral, speaking of her in the past tense. I’m having a difficult time coming to terms with the fact that she’s gone. Still, I’ll do my best to paint a picture of the wonderful life that she lived.

Debby was born in 1959. She was a woman of great devotion, motherly love, and was cherished by our whole community. From a young age, she exhibited a deep commitment to her family, hard work, and community service. After marrying Arnold, her husband of 38 years, she devoted herself to raising their four children, while working tirelessly as a courthouse secretary for 24 years.

Debby’s kindness, compassion, and dedication to her family and work were praised by everyone who knew her. Debby was also renowned for making delicious meals for her family every day, even when they were young. Her love for her children was evident in everything she did, and her home was always filled with laughter, joy, and warmth. She would gather her family together for cookouts, parties, and feasts, creating cherished memories that her children and grandchildren will always treasure for the rest of their lives.

Debby’s impact on the world was not just limited to her role as a devoted mother. She was also a cherished and regular volunteer at many local charities, helping to organize events at her church, and always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Debby’s boundless generosity and selflessness has had a profound and positive impact on countless lives.

In addition to her love for humans, Debby had an intense passion for animals, particularly cats. She often took in strays and gave them a loving home, treating her own pets like royalty with endless love and attention. Whenever her birthday came along, she enjoyed getting gifts more for her favorite cat Mr. Tinkles than for herself. She had a very sweet heart.

Debby was also a woman of many talents. Her passion for gardening was unmatched; her yard was always bursting with colorful flowers, and her vegetables were the envy of the neighbors. She had a keen eye for design and enjoyed decorating her home, creating a warm and inviting space for everyone who stopped by.

Family meant everything to Debby, and nothing brought her more happiness than spending time with her children and grandchildren. Her love for them knew no bounds, and they will always carry with them the memories of her warm embrace and the sound of her infectious laughter.

Debby’s passing has left a void in the lives of those who knew her, but her legacy of love, kindness, and dedication to family and friends will live on. She was an exceptional example of what it means to live a life filled with purpose and compassion, and her spirit will continue to inspire us—I know she has been an inspiration to me, at least.

As we bid farewell, let us please never forget the joy and light that she brought into our lives. Let us honor her memory by spreading love and kindness wherever we go.

I love you Debby. You will always be in our hearts.

Eulogy For Bill

(Short eulogy for a grandfather)

Grandpa Bill lived a life of adventure and dedication to his craft. He spent his days working tirelessly to hone his skills as a carpenter, creating masterpieces that, to this day, have withstood the test of time. He has never hesitated to lend a helping hand to those in need, and always made sure his family was well-fed and cared for.

Despite his gruff exterior, he had a deep love for his family and expressed it through his actions rather than his words. Many people who did not know him well have assumed that he was cold or mean, but I know him differently. Once a person got close to him, they would see how kind and loving he really was deep down. He believed that hard work and perseverance were the keys to success, and he instilled these values in all of his grandchildren.

His love for grandma was evident in the way he looked at her, with eyes that sparkled with deep devotion. They were each other’s best friend and partner in life, and their love only grew stronger with each passing year. Unlike many couples, I can’t remember them ever having an argument or fight. They disagreed on certain issues, but never argued about things.

When his health began to fail, we all gathered around him, providing comfort and support in his final days. Grandma remained steadfast by his side, holding his hand and whispering words of love and encouragement. We grandchildren took turns sitting with him, telling him stories and reminiscing about the good times we had shared, with certainly more than a few tears.

In the end, he passed peacefully, surrounded by those who loved him most. His legacy is one of hard work, dedication, and unwavering love for his family. He will be deeply missed, but his memory will live on in the numerous lives he touched during his time on this earth. Blessed are we who had the privilege of knowing him.

Eulogy For Linda

(Average-length eulogy for an aunt)

Thank you all for coming today. This tragedy has been very difficult to work through, but your presence here—to remember and celebrate Linda’s life—means a lot to our family. She left an indelible mark on each of our souls, and there’s so much to say about her amazing life.

One thing I’ll always remember Linda for is her adventurous spirit, her ability to make friends with anyone, and her disarming smile. She had a way of finding joy in even the most mundane activities, and her optimism was contagious.

She had a knack for seeing the best in people, never refusing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Her kindness knew no bounds, and her compassion for others was unfailing.

Linda never saw herself as a victim of her illness. Instead, she saw it as a challenge to be faced head-on. She was determined to fight the good fight, no matter what the odds. Her doctors often wondered how she kept up such an attitude right to the end. She approached each day with a positive attitude, determined to make the most of her time and savor every moment of life. Even in the face of great adversity, she maintained her sense of humor and her endearing smile.

Linda drew strength from her faith, knowing that God was with her every step of the way. She trusted in His plan, His timetable, and His word, and she faced each new challenge with courage and grace.

Although Linda’s time with us was too short, the impact she had on our lives will endure. Her nieces and nephews will always remember her as a role model and a source of inspiration. Linda did not choose to become ill, but she faced her illness with unwavering strength and determination. Her courage and fortitude were a testament to her character, and we will always admire her for it.

The love Linda shared with her partner, Jim, was a true testament to the power of love. They lived life to the fullest, exploring new places and enjoying new experiences together. Their love was a shining example of what is possible when two people are committed to each other.

For Linda, life was all about spreading love and joy wherever she went. She will be remembered for her musical laughter, her kind heart, and her staunch faith. As she joins God in heaven, we can take comfort in knowing that she is at peace, surrounded by love and light.

As Linda would say, “Life is an adventure, and I’m ready for whatever comes next.” We will miss her dearly, but we take solace in knowing that she is now free from pain and suffering. May your journey continue in a place where pain and sorrow do not exist.