Frequently Asked Questions

How much do our services cost?

You can see all our prices listed for our various services on our Services page.

There is a broad range of services for different needs and we’ve attempted our best to keep all prices both affordable and reasonable for the services requested.

Payment occurs upfront on the cart checkout page after selecting your desired services, along with any requested add-on bundles.

Yes, we can write both obituaries and eulogies for customers who request them. You can order such services separately, however, we have a special offer for users who request eulogy-writing services to also request an added obituary at a discounted price.

This will vary depending on the plan you’ve selected, as selectable on our Services page.

We do offer Custom services for both eulogies and obituaries which allow for length of any size for customers with special requirements.

Yes, each plan incorporates, by default, the ability for you to review and request revisions.

If you need additional revisions beyond the default, you can obtain additional revisions either through A) purchasing an add-on bundle or B) through your customer portal following initial purchase.

Additional revisions are able to be requested through selecting one of our add-on bundles.

Absolutely. Following purchase you will receive the online Questionnaire to complete. This is incorporated therein.

Yes, by default each plan includes 2 phone calls under 10 minutes if needed.

If additional phone call time is desired, our add-on bundles allow for varying amounts of phone call time based on the bundle selected. Alternatively, you can also purchase additional phone time through your customer portal following initial purchase.

Yes, if you wish to call us instead of using our online contact form, please book a free consultation call on either of the forms listed below:

Yes, please see the Custom Submissions page.

These are considered and quoted on a case-by-case basis.

Typically, we try to get results to you in no more than a couple of days. This can vary depending on the current volume of customers we’re already servicing.

If you have special time constraints or requirements for your request, please select our Platinum Add-On Bundle which features expedited and prioritized delivery, among other unique benefits.

Another option is that following the purchase of a plan, you will have the ability to expedite your delivery through your customer portal. Prices vary, from same-day delivery guarantee being $200, to three days being $50.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds due to abuse of this in our previous experiences.

Inasmuch as we’re providing a custom service on a case-by-case basis, and given that we aren’t selling “stock” products, (i.e., products which are able to be replenished, because we’re selling our time and labor), we cannot magically replenish depleted “supplies” as other businesses can.

We do, however, pride ourselves in the quality of our work and we will work as hard as possible to ensure that you are satisfactorily pleased with our services based on the options you choose as outlined in the services offered.

Yes, at Eulogy Master we pride ourselves on having specialized services for people from all backgrounds, religions, ethnicities, etc. We’re more than happy to accommodate people from any and all walks of life.

Please let us know if you have any special requests of this nature in the Questionnaire you’ll receive once you’ve placed your order.

Yes, we can mail you a physical copy if you wish if you select the “Deliver My Eulogy When Finished” checkbox on the form used to select add-on bundles and other additional options. You will have to provide your physical address for us to mail you your result.

If you have any concerns about privacy, please rest assured that we scrupulously and diligently protect and safeguard our users’ privacy.

If you have specific concerns, please feel free to review our privacy policy or contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.